Thursday, June 30, 2011

On The Outsde

For sure, I had my money on number six. Amazing how fast they can run without touching the ground :-) .

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting Hosed

Maintaining your cool makes good horse sense. The post race wash down appeared to be a welcome ritual to most of the race's participants. It was a hot summery day at Belmont Race Track...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Talk about your basic "pollen count", this guy is up to his eyeballs in pollen. Click on the image for a more detailed larger view. More summer macro fun.... :-)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Down The Stretch

The window of opportunity for the photographer is rather narrow at the race track. These animals are bred for speed and they head for home at over thirty miles per hour. That doesn't leave the photographer with much time to adjust settings. Ironically after they charge past and the dust clears there is not much to do except hurry up and wait. Races run every half hour or so and there is ample time to fuss about the camera settings that one should have used...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ready To Run

Belmont Race Track.. I caught this guy's attention as he was being led from the paddock area to the track. He certainly looked eager to get going, perhaps I should have ran to the betting window instead of staying behind my camera!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Walled Garden

Recalling another era, the Walled Garden at Old Westbury was created circa 1906. The garden really is a magical floral wonderland where even the walls are alive with blooms. This shot is of the northwest corner sitting area and it's climbing rose display.

Friday, June 24, 2011

South Shore Retreat

There are lots of reasons why we Long Islanders put up with traffic and the hustle/bustle of suburban sprawl. Scenes like this one are repeated all along the south shore coastline of the Great South Bay making for a wonderful marine playground. Life is Good!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Amazing what one can learn using a macro lens. I thought these guys were tiny bees but as I recently discovered they are helpful little flies called the "Hoverfly". The larva of the hoverfly feed on aphids (those little buggers that destroy your flowers) and the adults assist in pollination. Helpful flies, who knew?? :-)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Private Ferry/Private Beach

If you're not a resident of Bellport Village you're not taking this ferry to HoHum Beach on Fire Island. The exclusive hamlet runs the summertime service for residents only. As the realtors all say..."location, location, location".

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Finally...."summertime and the livin' is easy". Boots, gloves, snow shovels and ice scrappers are a distant memory. It's the time of the year to get up, get out and celebrate life beyond those four walls! Don't wait too long, September 21st will be here before you know it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Weekend Beckons

Early Saturday morning at Bellport Beach and the sailboats are lined up and ready to go! The perfect weather will have several of these boats launched by mid-afternoon. Do I see the summer solstice on my calendar this week?? Life is Good!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Father's Day First

Happy Father's Day! The wisest man I ever knew often told me..."Son, Life is full of firsts". (When purposely dispensing wisdom dad would refer to me as son). This Father's Day is different for me as it's my first without my father. It feels strange not fretting over getting a creative gift this year. So, I thought I would use the occasion to share some of this loving family man's wisdom that was always shared with wit and humor. This would be a brief sampling:
SON,......."Life can be like a mine field, watch where you step"
"They All want your money"
"Always avoid getting into a pissing contest with a skunk"
"Nobody ever gets out alive" (a reference to our existence here on this planet)
"The best thing about a sailboat is that the good Lord pays for the fuel"
"You don't get nothing for nothing"
AND perhaps the most sage insight of all: "There really is only one rule in life." That of course would be the Golden one that instructs us all to "Do unto others that which you would have done unto you". (certainly would put a dent in our road rage problem, eh?)
Thanks, Dad.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Old Westbury Mansion

June is a spectacular floral month at Old Westbury Gardens. While the gardens are very special year round, the rose garden and the "Walled Garden" are at their peak this month. This shot is of the rear patio of the Phipps former summer home.

Friday, June 17, 2011

More Garden Friends

The real trick in capturing shots of the characters in the garden is getting them to stay still. This butterfly was like a kid in a candy store, with so many flower choices he had trouble making up his mind! Perhaps it's a "pollen high".....(image is best in larger view)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Honey Do

Honey ingredients so skillfully and diligently collected AND they are all natural! Macro lens time with plenty of willing subjects!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fire Island Light

I just know it's been said before but I can't help myself: after the long walk, "I see the Light" :-).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wind Shadow

Catchin' the early evening breeze. Life is good on the Great South Bay!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Country Stroll

June and the cool mornings encourage a walk down your favorite country lane. With our recent spell of wet weather one can anticipate a bumper crop of mosquitoes soon! Walks such as this will soon require some defensive measures. :-)

Friday, June 10, 2011

June Blooms

A little macro fun as June continues to bust out all over. :-)

Thursday, June 09, 2011

National Seashore

The natural treasure that is Fire Island National Seashore at Tailsman can only be accessed by boat or long distance hikers. Local boaters fill the anchorage on sunny summer weekends when the aroma of barbecues fills the air. Gotta love it...!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


...the night away? Really not a bad way to waste a sunny afternoon, AND is this what "they" meant when it was said that some things can only be appreciated with age?? Life is Good.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


The colorful spinnaker on a boat sailing downwind always has me reaching for the camera!