Monday, April 30, 2012

Changes in Latitude

Sandpointe Bay, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
A killer view, warm comfy temperatures, new friends and tropical waters make it tough to say "goodbye". We shall return......Life is very good.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Under The Bridge

Under The Bridge, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe
Our "farewell" dinner with friends before heading north was at a Cafe under the Rooselvelt bridge in Stuart. The views and the company were wonderful, the food not so much. Very cool architecture for sure though.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Time To Leave

John D McArthur Park Beach, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
"Parting is such sweet sorrow", "all good things come to an end", "There's always next year", etc, etc.......Time for this guy leave the beach and start that long trek north.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Surfer Big Wave

Surfer Big Wave, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The recent high winds may have kept boats at the dock but the locals have been reaching for their surfboards.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Checking The Menu

Checking The Menu, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Really?...I watched this guy for awhile as he waited and watched until one fish or another struck his fancy. He really was checking the menu! How great it must be to have fresh seafood anytime and not have to cook. Life is good!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Tequesta Shoreline

Tequesta Shoreline, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
From the ICW the iconic cross of St. Jude Church graces the Tequesta shore. Our winter here has brought us new friends, new adventures and a new home away from home. Soon, I-95 will point the way back to our grandkids and spring on Long Island. The Great South Bay awaits...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Square Grouper

Square Grouper Wide, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Jupiter's favorite watering hole, The Square Grouper provides a local touch of Margaritaville. Local legend has it that the waterside beach bar is named to commemorate fishermen recovering large square bales of floating marijuana (aka: square groupers) jettisoned by drug runners of the 1980's. The video for Allan Jackson/Jimmy Buffet's "It's five O'clock Somewhere" was filmed here on the Grouper's small stage.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dockside Egret

Dockside Egret, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Well exx..cuse me! This guy flew over my left shoulder only to come around and land at my feet. As he checked things out at the dock I got the message that I was in his way. Without much fanfare I stepped aside and let him pass. The New York variety of white egret is quite a bit more skittish around humans.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Jupiter Inlet

Inlet View, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
On a rather calm day the approach to the Jupiter inlet looks idyllic and inviting. Calm conditions in the inlet are the exception, most days require extreme caution when navigating this stretch of water. From this image it's hard to imagine the six foot waves that were cresting at the inlet's entrance just days ago. Calm or rough it's always a joy to experience the raw beauty here.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lighthouse View

Square Grouper View, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The "view" in Jupiter must include the historic beacon to be official. Several excellent restaurants share the sight along the inlet's edge. My favorite spot to take it all in is the ever popular beach bar The Square Grouper. Having a beer or an iced tea at the Grouper is requirement for any of our northern visitors.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Empty Beaches

Ocean Walk, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Where did everyone go? It's the middle of April and someone must have hit a switch, boats and cars have begun streaming north as the Florida "season" draws to a close. Soon I will get in line and join my fellow snow birds for the spring migration. Weather rumors from the northeast tell of early summery temperatures following an unusally mild winter. Perhaps the endless summer is a possibility.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

FAU Research Vessel

FAU Vessel, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The Florida Atlantic University Marine Science department has partnered with the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. The unique profile and unusual bow configuration of their research vessel puzzled me at first as we approached each other in the ICW. This was the first that I became aware of "Harbor Branch", they seem to be cutting edge in oceanography and marine research.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby Sandhill Crane

Baby Sandhill Crane, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
This irresistible baby sandhill crane liked being the center of our attention. He seemed to revel in his new world, even taking time to stop and stretch out those long legs. Seemingly unfazed by humans the entire Crane family went about doing what cranes do as we maneuvered for a good close-up.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sandhill Crane

Sand Crane Mother, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Came across this young family by the pond the other day and said, "hello". They appeared to be rather busy doing what it is that sandhill cranes do although the young one was was a bit impish and was not always paying attention. Must be Spring....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sandbar Crowd

Sandbar , originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
This shot reminds me of those "Where's Waldo" search images. It's really just a glimpse of the weekend bar crowd at our local sandbar on the ICW. Mix nice weather, low tide, lots of boaters and maybe a margarita or two and watch the show.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Screened Moonlight

Screened Moonlight, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Snow birding has created a new calendar rhythm for me. The last full moon of the "season" made me appreciate all the more the stellar view that I've had every night this winter. And once again, the reminder over my shoulder speaks of returning north. Spring on Long Island, grandchildren, the smell of lilacs and boating on the Great South Bay await......but not just yet!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Banyan Tree

Banyan Tree, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
I think it's pretty cool when you can be impressed by a tree. Older Banyan Trees can be expansive and very tall as they send 'aerial roots" from branches to the ground. These roots eventually become woody trunks resembling the main tree trunk. The Banyan spreads laterally and can encompass some serious real estate. I would think some long range, serious landscape planning would be order prior to planting one of the babies! Impressive indeed...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Beach Walk

Beach Walk, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
An early evening stroll on the beach...the cooler breeze, the lapping of waves along the shore, the brilliant colors of the sky and the right companion just might cause you to fall in love all over again!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hungryland Canal

Hungryland Canal, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
In our younger days my generation always heard horror stories about some distant relative who purchased land in Florida that turned out to be "swamp land". Not all of that swamp land became developed. The John and Mariana Jones/Hungryland wildlife area is some 16,000+ acres of Florida watershed slough that helps feed the Everglades. Originally slated for development the project went bust in the late 1960's. Some nine miles of canals were constructed in the 1960's to divert water from proposed developments. Today the area is an outdoor sportsman's dream providing a wilderness for hunting, fishing, hiking and primitive camping.
Interestingly, the "Hungryland" label comes from the days of the Seminole Indian Wars. Legend has it that the local tribes escaped to the area only to find it lacking in good soil for farming.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Full Moon

Full Moon, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The holiday weekend was full of wonderful treats including a romantic moon. Nature's night time light show drew evening crowds to the area beaches where beach blankets and bottles of wine were plentiful. Life is Good...

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Saturday, April 07, 2012


Jupiter Full Moom, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Despite a low cloud cover, patience was rewarded as the April full moon did show up as advertised. Clouds along the horizon delayed our view and killed the "rising moon" shot but the show was well worth the price of admission!

Friday, April 06, 2012

Toast To Life

Toast To Life, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Three years on....Missing my best buddy Chico and remembering the laughter, tears and joys of a treasured friendship.

Thursday, April 05, 2012


Suwanee, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The Jupiter Inlet dredging project continues all day and well into the night. The project helps keep Jupiter's gateway to the ocean save and navigable, the dredged sand is used for the popular beach re-nourishment program along the oceanfront. All the cool marine construction equipment make for some interesting photo subjects to keep this photographer occupied. :-)

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Pecks Walk

Pecks Walk, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The joys of a peaceful, quiet walk in the woods are many at Martin County's Pecks Lake Park. The trail meanders through trails of boardwalk that lead to the ICW. My partner was especially greatful for the elevated walkway that separates critters from human feet.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Head Shot

Head Shot, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
As I took this glamour shot I could have sworn that this pelican said, "Enough about ME.....How do you like my hair?"

Monday, April 02, 2012

Turtle Mascot

Turtle Mascot, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Move over Philly Phanatic and Mr. Met...The Loggerhead Marine Center has the turtle mascot, "Fletch". Fletch is a huge favorite in the Jupiter/Juno Beach area. He is best known for his educational/fun programs that keep kids and adults informed about the plight of sea turtles. In a recent interview we learned that he was born in "Sandy beach", his favorite restaurant is "The Thirsty Turtle" (US1 in Juno) and he is still a fan club member of the rock group "The Turtles". Ummm....whatever works, Fletch!

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Pelican Headstand

Pelican Headstand, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Dinner is ready, dive right in! Those pelicans sure are big fans of the local seafood...