Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HMS Bounty

Bounty Stern, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
On a much happier day the HMS Bounty was dockside in Greenport, Long Island. Almost a side-bar to Hurricane Sandy's awful destruction to the US East Coast is the fact that the Bounty went down some 90 miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras. As of this posting, the ship's captain remains missing and there is one confirmed death. Fourteen crew members were rescued by the US Coast Guard.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Boating Sunset

Sunset Fishing, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Usually, Long Island's boating season comes to a gradual close by mid-November. With hurricane Sandy approaching (aka the "Frankenstorm"), the season is ending with a frenetic flurry of boats being pulled. Marinas are working overtime and the wait time at area boat ramps can be extensive. It will be awhile before the area waters will appear this calm again. Batten down the hatches.......

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fire Island Nature Walk

Fire Island Nature Walk, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The vista from Fire Island....gorgeous sky and crisp air! Life is Good.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

World Series Trophy

1986 Trophy, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
The Games of October...It's that time again and this year it's the Detroit Tigers vs. the San Francisco Giants. It's been a long season since that first hopeful opening pitch in April, a "tip of the hat" to these two survivors!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Doe See...

Doe See, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
YOU lookin' at Me?........Wildlife on Fire Island.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fire Island October

Fire Island October, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
An empty marina, a vacant beach, temperatures in the 70's and a picnic lunch... must be October on Fire Island!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fire Island Marsh

Fire Island Marsh, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
A Fire Island marsh...looking a bit like a field in the midwest! Life is good.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Two Monarchs

Two Monarchs, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Monarch March....the annual southward migration of the Monarch butterflies has been underway for awhile now. Along the dunes of Fire Island the stragglers are bring up the rear!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Deer By The Pond

Deer By The Pond, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Catching the of those times when you pat your own back for having the camera with you!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Dune At Sailors Haven

Dune At Sailors Haven, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
I just love these kind of "gifts"....a perfect October day on Fire Island. Miles of spectacular beach, comfortable temperature, brisk fresh air and not a single person in sight! Life is indeed good.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Letting Off Steam

Steam, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Goodness, there was a substantial amount of steam being vented the other night.....(at our polite and couteous presidential debate).

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fort Wadsworth

Fort Wadsworth, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Guarding the "Narrows" that is the entrance to New York Harbor, Fort Wadsworth is one of the country's oldest forts. Some Staten Islanders joke that the fort was built to protect against an invasion from Brooklyn...a point rendered useless with the construction of the Veranzzano Bridge! :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Decided Voters

Desparados, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Looks like folks are getting ready for tonight's presidential debate. Nothing like a civil exchange of opinions to "fire" things up.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Staten Island 9/11 Memorial

Staten Island 9/11 Memorial, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Staten Island, for me, has always been on the way to the Jersey Turnpike. Staten Island as a destination/day trip revealed much that I was unaware of including this memorial. The memorial is in a direct line of sight with the World Trade Center and commemorates those Staten Islanders lost on 9/11. This unique site uses a "postcard" theme with a carved profile (taken from family photographs) of each victim. Impressive and moving.....

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Victory Trot

Victory Trot, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Staying clean...holding the lead on a muddy track keeps those silks looking like new! The last place finisher was headed to the dry cleaners!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Taking The Lead

Taking The Lead, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
More action from my spot along the rail.....just enough mud to make things interesting!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Backyard Osprey

Backyard Osprey, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
This guy has become a daily visitor in our backyard. Osprey (aka fish-hawk) have re-established their presence on Long Island after decades of decline (see:DDT). Impressive as they are, their low "chirp" belies their prowess as efficient hunters. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Foggy Harbor

Foggy Harbor, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Fun on a rainy day, fog shrouded Manhattan as seen from Staten Island.

Monday, October 08, 2012


Headshot, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Hamming it up for the camera?...or just horse-ing around?

Sunday, October 07, 2012

On Watch

On Watch, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Not all of the horses at the track are in a hurry.......

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Friday, October 05, 2012


Co-workers, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Not unlike a visit to the office water cooler...Two employees get to share some down time at the track. Whatever could the topic of their conversation be? Most likely there is some talk about that hot new mare down the track....

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Tight Three

Tight Three, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Having my share of vices, I never was much of a gambler. When friends would suggest a day at the track I would always decline. My new found attraction to the races has nothing to do with Trifectas, it's the photo action that's got me hooked!

Monday, October 01, 2012

In The Mud

In The Mud, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Playing in the mud with friends and trying to keep my new lens clean! A day at the races....