Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Father's Day First

Happy Father's Day! The wisest man I ever knew often told me..."Son, Life is full of firsts". (When purposely dispensing wisdom dad would refer to me as son). This Father's Day is different for me as it's my first without my father. It feels strange not fretting over getting a creative gift this year. So, I thought I would use the occasion to share some of this loving family man's wisdom that was always shared with wit and humor. This would be a brief sampling:
SON,......."Life can be like a mine field, watch where you step"
"They All want your money"
"Always avoid getting into a pissing contest with a skunk"
"Nobody ever gets out alive" (a reference to our existence here on this planet)
"The best thing about a sailboat is that the good Lord pays for the fuel"
"You don't get nothing for nothing"
AND perhaps the most sage insight of all: "There really is only one rule in life." That of course would be the Golden one that instructs us all to "Do unto others that which you would have done unto you". (certainly would put a dent in our road rage problem, eh?)
Thanks, Dad.

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