Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ocean Drive

Ocean Drive, originally uploaded by Chris S Thorpe.
Facing the Atlantic ocean these stately ladies reflect the essence of Cape May's past and present. The preservation of this entire seaside town is a model for other communities wishing to take pride in their past. In the latter part of the 19th century Cape May was the seaside choice of east coast movers and shakers. My memories from the 1960's are of a sad, neglected and unpolished town whose heyday was in the past. Echoes of "what a shame.." and "someone should fix up those historic homes" reverberate in my memory. Fortunately the momentum for revitalization which began in the 1970's has continued and today Cape May is block after block of historic B&B's. Beachside Americana at it's grandest...definitely worth a road trip!

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